Beyond Blue is our support group for those dealing with baby blues, depression, anxiety or stress. You are not alone, please reach out if you need to talk. We have three meetings per month – one on a morning (children welcome to join), one in the evening (adults only) and one over Zoom. The meeting dates and times are announced each month in the MAMA Stroller and on the Beyond Blue and MAMA Bermuda Facebook pages.
The support group is hosted by Angela Hovi, herself having suffered from depression and anxiety after having each of her two children. If you need to talk to someone outside of a scheduled meeting, Angela would be very happy to hear from you. You can email her at
Raising a young family in Bermuda is just as difficult as anywhere else in the world. Whether you have family in Bermuda or are new to the island, the challenges of having a new baby are many and often unexpected. We are always here to help and support you through your journey by lending a kind ear to listen, helping you meet other moms in Bermuda and helping support you through the transition into your new life.